Experiential Learning, Learning Strategy, Reflection

Blog Post #3: Learning Strategies Reaction

In the previous blog post, I talk about choosing a learning strategy and implementing it into my daily schedule while documenting the effectiveness, and reality of its usefulness. On the weekend of the 23rd in September, I spent some time searching for a well designed bullet journal template. Having a few colored pens and brush… Continue reading Blog Post #3: Learning Strategies Reaction

Experiential Learning, Learning Strategy, Reflection

Blog Post #2: Learning Strategy or Procrastination Experiment

“Oh my god! I just failed the math quiz!!!” These are the words you’d hear me cry out when handed back an evaluation. My eyes would search across the paper filled with red markings to only see the final grade as it stares back at me with disapproval. With a bit of hope, I take… Continue reading Blog Post #2: Learning Strategy or Procrastination Experiment